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    那么,"北京2008年奥运会倒计时一周年已经开始”应该用英语怎么说呢?有人翻译为“The one-year countdown for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has begun.”,这句话“countdown”后的介词用错了,不是“for”而是“to”。

    “countdown”后面跟“to”表示离某事发生还有多少时间。“倒计时”可表示“倒数秒数”,表示一个较短的时间,例如从10数到0,英语翻译为“countdown”。例如: “The countdown to the launching of the satellite began.”(卫星发射倒计时开始。)

    “倒计时”还可表示“未来某件事发生的时刻往现在推算还有多少时间”,是一个较长的时间,英语也可以翻译为“countdown”。例如: “On August 8, 2007, a grand gala was held on the Tian’anmen Square celebrating the one-year countdown to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.”(2007年8月8日在天安门广场上举行了庆祝北京2008年奥运会倒计时一周年盛大活动。) “The countdown clock shows there are 365 days left until the opening of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.”(倒计时钟显示离北京2008年奥运会开幕还有365天。) “The countdown to the completion of the project has started.”(工程已经进入倒计时阶段。)

    “倒计时”还可作动词用,英语翻译为“to count down”,即“to record the time passing until an important event happens”。例如: “We are counting down our holidays to countdown.”(我们正在倒计时看离假期还有几天。) “I want you to count down from twenty to zero by twos.”(我要你从20倒数到0,每次减2。)


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